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Your details

About you

Have you written your email correctly?

Order confirmation and invoice will be emailed to you

What is your Personal number or D-number?

If you do not have Norwegian Personal Number or D-number, you can still become Mycall customer Visit one of our retailers with your ID

What is your first name?

As in the national register

What is your last name?

As in the national register

Mobile number

Have you written your phone number correctly?

The mobile number you want to transfer to Mycall.

Request transfer date to MyCall

Choose a number

SIM card will be sent to your national registered address

Confirm your order

Якщо вам потрібен сервіс Секретний номер, сконтактуйтесь із Службою підтримки користувачів після замовлення послуги. Детальніше на нашій вебсторінці.

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